I’ve been dreaming of diving in crystal clear waters watching big pelagic and big sharks racing in and out of spiraling schools of bait fish whilst anchored in the middle of Coral Sea. Well with arrival of the crew consisting (from left to right)of me, old mates Colby & Geoff with young Matty & Clinton it or something was about to happen. The crew are all dedicated fisho’s & the young guys are also experienced scuba divers with Matty just returning home from doing 3 months continuous diving (in between surfing) in Thailand and Indonesia. Colby-engineer, Matt-sparky and Geof-diesel mechanic gave me added confidence in both crew and our 46ft Light Wave power cat being able to handle what ever came our way. The plan is stay out for about 2 weeks & to base ourselves mostly in the Flinders Reef Lagoon which is an Atoll 250km east of Townsville and explore the reef areas within a 60km radios.