We had just had a boat full of bucking flipping tuna when the next strike felt like a truck heading for the bottom ..then up it came …a 100kg+ Black Marlin leaping out of the water in most spectacular fashion.
It was very exciting and experienced Marlin fisho Geoff was issuing me instructions…phew it was hard work and after 30 minutes i was spent ( now I now why they use game chairs) and handed the rod to Matt….who also couldn’t get him to the boat…..then Clinton won the battle and we all got to see this magnificent fish close up and personal. Matt held his beak , Clinton took the lure out and we swam him slowly beside the boat for at least 5 minutes till he got his wind back & headed back to the deep……..I wonder what he thought of the titanic struggle that he lost but then got his freedom anyhow!! Colby was on video camera and got some amazing footage.
Apart from the Marlin we had plenty of trolling action with the four rods all buzzing together with Yellow fin and Dogtooth Tuna on several occasions. We caught a variety of species including yellow fin, Dogtooth, mack and Skipjack Tuna, Dolphin fish, Wahoo, Spanish & spotted Mackerel and a few giant Barracuda. Clinton had a generous habit of leaving the back half of his catches with the sharks earning the name ‘Mr 1/2 fish’ ( See pic) .The guys are excellent fish cooks so what we didn’t release was well used. G.T’s were plentifull casting lures from around the Cay and even anchored near the reefs.
Reef sharks, big Red Bass & Japanese Big Eye Bream were everywhere but in between their were surprisingly plenty of loverly trout, sweetlips, Job fish ,Rock cod and an Geof’s favorite Chinese Footballers to keep the anglers in constant action.
CORAL SEA 10 – On our way Home
With a next day forecast of 30 knots we decided withdrawal back to civilization was a prudent move. We zipped back to the outer reef with a comfortable aft beam swell of 2.2 meters in time for a dive at Mermidon Reef. Great sheltered cut away anchorage on the western side gives nice protection from the Coral Sea Swell. It was nice to see live coral and lots of Damsel fish again.
Next morning we trolled thru the reef catching 6 Tuna and Mackerel….they all got the good bye kiss before being released.The evening meal was steak @ Magnetic Island . What a fantastic adventure….wahooo!!!!!!