Sunday 23 July, 2006 – 19:27 by Innforapenny
Left Townsville this morning for the Palm Islands just south of Hinchinbrook. Decided not to stop at the main island – Great Palm island as Alan Lucas (Cruising the Coral Coast) informed us that it was controlled by the Aboriginal council and crime is rampant. Mind it could be all changing as they have just made it an alcohol free zone. If are caught with more than one case of light to medium beer in your vessel (car or boat) you are fined up to $30000. – That could be a problem with Innforapenny!!
Anchored at Orpheus island, a national park, north of the main island. Pete caught a big fish today.We just trawl as we are going along and when we get a catch all hell breaks loose. Pete starts to wind in, I furl the sails, cut the engines if we are running them get the gaff and tools to either land or release the fish. Today Pete landed a 10kilo wahoo. An excellent eating fish which would have fed us for a week. We got it on deck, secured it, got the boat back on track and the fish wriggled itself loose and that was that. We sadly had steak for dinner. Dont feel too sorry for us Janet but you must admit a bbq fillet of wahoo would have been better.