We have been enjoying our wonderful Lightwave Powercat, we usually cruise at about 10 to 12 knots although we have had sections where we have toddled along at 6 knots and sat up front and with the wind rushing past our ears, we hardly hear the engines and imagine ourselves with the sails up. In fact one time I held up a Queen size sheet up on the roof and just dreamed…….but I think we’ll stay with the powercat…..
All kidding aside we are really loving it. At the moment we are in Bungaberg Port Marina reprovisioning, and of course refuelling.
Meeting lots of international and out of state travellers. A young family from Hobart, another couple from Melbourne who are travelling for 5+ years, currently sitting in this marina while the husband does a couple of months of Cane truck driving to top up the Kitty, another couple in their 70’s from Florida in a great big sailing cat, with 10 large plastic drums of diesel lashed to the sides. It is all so interesting.
Another couple walking past while I had Minni on the lead, saying in a very thick European accent ‘A Hungarian Vizsla…. We are Hungarian….can we take picture’ So I replied ‘sure, look Minni it is your ancestors…..’ as they laughed… They had just done a yacht delivery from France to Australia, and about to fly home with their bags packed waiting for the Marina courtesy bus to take them to the airport.
It sure is ‘another world’ and all the people seem to have a common bond are ever so friendly. We will be heading up to 1770 next and slowly working our way up to the Keppels, and who know where else?
Minni is getting very comfortable on board and the three of us are forming a great bond being in close quarters 24/7. Minni has also recently figured out that no.2’s work on the artificial grass quite well. Especially yesterday morning at high tide at the Suzan river as we departed, the little strip of sand that was there the night before was totally under water, so no morning walkies, we just had to get underway and hope for the best…. She just nonchalantly walked up to the bow on the trampoline and did her thing, and walked back to the cockpit quite proud of herself.