Thought I’d share our Kakadu experience with you. The colours were bold and striking, and the mood changed with the landscape. There was the serenity of the wetlands, the coolness of the rock, the hot, dry heat of the billabongs, and the timelessness of the rivers. We broke the bank by taking a helicopter ride (our first ever) out of Jabiru over Alligator River, which I enjoyed once I got over my initial nerves. It was quite windy that afternoon, which made the chopper rattle and shake on its pivot point as it was buffeted around. I now know what it feels like to be a Christmas bauble (lol). The pilot did a grand job of keeping the chopper balanced, while I prayed that the rotors would keep turning. We flew with no doors on, so each time we banked left I felt like I was going to fall out and plummet to the unforgiving ground below. This made it hard to take photos at first because I was hanging on for dear life.