We slowly making our way south to Marmaris; Innforapennys’ winter home. The emphasis is on slowly as some days we only travel 6 miles. There are so many little anchorages to explore along the coast and now out of season it has become probably one of the best cruising areas of the year. The climate is perfect – 25 to 28 degrees in the day and cools to 15 degrees at night and the water temperature is really refreshing. A lot of the charter boats and tourist boats have now packed up for the season so we haven’t got to fight for a space as we had to do a couple of months ago.
We are in a little place called Keci Buku and have been for three days now. We keep meaning to leave but some how never get around to it. The bay is surrounded by high mountains covered in Pine forests and in the middle of the bay is a small island with the remains of a Byzantine fort on it. There are very large rabbits living on the island. All the yachties anchored in the bay feed them which would account for their size. There is a small marina nearby where we can get supplies and the free wireless internet connection reaches us at anchor – Pure luxury!!! Our day is spent swimming, sun bathing, reading and playing rummikub (a French numbers game introduced by Emily) with the occasional trip ashore to collect freshly baked bread and the local Turkish newspaper. Can it get any better!!